The Artifact: form-essence-personality Our hands, a piece of clay, a time, silence and darkness. A way to know what is hidden in the mind-body relationship, to see and perceive what can be changed.
Author: CentroAMO
Academy of Gurdjieff Dance
CURRICULUM FOR A TWO-YEAR CERTIFICATION PROGRAM EACH YEAR: 3 ten-day residential workshops: Fall, Winter, Spring 6 three-day, weekend workshops: Sept., Oct., Nov., Feb., March, April OVERVIEW The Academy offers a synthesis of ancient understandings and contemporary investigations into a continuous human development consciously actualized and intentionally maintained. The foundation for this way of continuous human development is […]
Holistic Morphological Harmonization Seminar
From September 24 to October 1, 2017 A.M.O. Seminar in Sant’Angelo D’Ischia. We will do Harmonization 3 hours a day, from Monday to Saturday with one day break. The work will take place at the Aphrodite / Apollon spa facility where you will be able to take baths at will in the many pools of […]
(Italiano) Con A.M.O. puoi scoprire chi sei e come sei!
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Vigo A.M.O. Seminar
The experiences of working in Vigo have been engaging from both the human and professional point of view. We were aware it was the last meeting with some former AGTB colleagues. Respecting their membership and consistent with our professional choices A.M.O., we have decided to stop personal work meetings with anyone in the brand now called “Antigym” […]
5 Biological Laws Seminar
Seminar held on 3-4- 5 March 2017 “The Mind-Body Connection in Medicine according to the 5 Biological Laws”, at the Sala Montelupo in Domagnano (RSM). With great interest, the students of the A.M.O. Training took part in the 5BL Basic Course, held by Claudio Trupiano.
CNV – Non Violent Communication
The Students of A.M.O. training and other friends at the seminar of CNV – Non Violent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg (Empathic Communication) at the meeting in San Marino on 4 and 5 February 2017 held by Cristina Buongiorno and Eduardo Montoya.
The Prologue
“Moment of inner mind-body union” THE PROLOGUE How do you start an A.M.O. session? With the prologue. What is the prologue? What is it about? What is the purpose of the prologue? 1- The prologue is the beginning of every A.M.O. session. What precedes, as part of it, the work of Holistic Morphological Harmonization. 2 – It consists […]
Training course in A.M.O.
Saturday November 26, 2016 begins the 1st Training Course in “Holistic Morphological Harmonization” – A.M.O. The course aims to train Holistic Operators in Mind-Body Work. The duration is 3 years. The meetings will be one week-end a month and one intensive period to reach 200 hours a year for the first two years and 96 […]
(Italiano) Attestato SIAF Italia
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